Our Community

People's Stories Matter

What makes Westside such a great school is a combination of inherent Christian values and beliefs, the people who find a sense of 'home' here, rich experiences for our students, families and staff, excellent educational opportunities and a valued supportive community

Parents & Friends Association

Our PFA is made up of parents and friends of the College who have taken a proactive interest in supporting our school. P&F meeting dates are regularly published on SchoolBox and in the College newsletter. We aim to foster connections among parents and families while supporting the College through fundraising activities. Funds raised have been used to provide more sporting and playground equipment, air-conditioning, and library resources.

We welcome all parents to come and join with us!

Westside Stories

Ben Anderson - 1994 Graduate

"I started here in Year 1. One of the things I valued was that the whole curriculum was based on planting good seeds and helping them grow. Through all the teachers and all the years, nobody was left out. Probably my favourite memory was the Spring Fair, and dropping the headmaster in the water! I loved sports carnivals. Everything was team-based so that each person was important and involved. Nobody got left behind. If you were there, you were involved. I always loved that very strong sense of community."

Heather Majerck (maiden name Lawson) – 1995 Graduate

"I was at Westside from Year 1 to 12. I then did a nursing degree. I've been working at Prince Charles Hospital as a cardiac registered nurse. I’m now a mother to four beautiful boys. What I value most is the Christ-centered education. Teachers are supportive. There's a lovely community feel here. One of the best things was the friendships I had—we had a 20-year reunion a few years back, which was wonderful."

Sienna Wilton - 2016 Graduate

"My experience at Westside was really positive. I was always encouraged to be myself. That brought out a confidence in me. I couldn't have developed that without teachers and friends, and learning to respect others. I valued having positive relationships with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, which enabled me to work better. They always wanted me to succeed."

Shane de Graff - Parent

"We have four children at Westside. We’ve been involved here for over ten years. Teachers really love what they do. I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging, and care. The college can achieve those through the longevity of staff. That establishes a great culture. There’s also a strong emphasis on Christ—living for Jesus, being kind, merciful, generous, looking out for someone—all those things that we love about God."

Kathy Acutt - Parent

"We’ve had the pleasure of having four children at Westside. We wanted a co-educational Christian school where our children flourish and be kind to others. This school has the heart, care, and sense of belonging we were looking for. It starts with the Principal and teachers and their exceptional commitment. Each of our children has been in leadership roles. Staff demonstrate excellent leadership skills—there’s a good balance of education, love, and discipline."

From Our Teachers

Steven Johnson - Primary PE teacher, 2011 Graduate

Teacher Steven Johnson LR

I came here in Year 8. We had our 10-year reunion in 2021. My parents separated when I was here, and then my dad passed away. Largely because of the people who cared about me, I stillI had an awesome experience here. I really value that—not just because I was good at sport, or I could talk underwater—but that people actually wanted to know how I was and how they could help.

Taryn Behr - Teacher Year 6

Teacher Taryn Behr

I’ve been a teacher here for nearly 20 years. There is so much I value about the school. It doesn't matter who you are, or your background. It really is a place to belong because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. That’s our identity as a college and what we share with students, regardless of ability or circumstance.

I love coming to school each day. It is the children that I see; their smiles and the interactions I have. I so enjoy finding the gold in each of my students and drawing that out. I don't ever want to stop teaching—I want to teach forever! I really believe I'm blessed.

Rachel Kramer - Art Teacher, Secondary Campus

Teacher Rachel Cramer LR

My classroom is the Art House. I secretly think I have the best classroom in the state! I love teaching here. I value the opportunity to combine Christian faith with care and engagement; to encourage students to see themselves as creative; made by God with a purpose and a plan.

I love the interactions here. Wherever you go, you see students from different grades chatting, or playing sport together. I also have the privilege of being a TAG teacher, so I see the same group of students, four mornings every week. It’s wonderful to know that I'm there to welcome them to start the day well, before we get into actually teaching. Having that connection sets me up for the day!

Rachel Waddell - Year 6 teacher & former student

Teacher Rachel Waddell LR

The things I love most about Westside… Firstly, Jesus has always been front and centre. The culture at Westside stands out—staff and student relationships are healthy; our rules are good—it makes a difference. I say to anyone who asks me, ‘Yes, you’ll want your children here, 100%! There's nothing else that comes even close!’

I love teaching Year 6. Teaching here is so creative. We work on our curriculum to make it the best we can. Lovely new classrooms provide our students with such beautiful spaces and opportunities to learn. Our teaching team is fantastic. The people who work here are next level. I'm so proud to be a part of the legacy that continues to grow.

40th Anniversary Video

Beginning with an initial enrolment of 53 students and a single classroom block in 1977, Westside Christian College—then Goodna Christian School—now extends over two thriving campuses, and is ‘home’ to over 1200 students. As the first parent-controlled Christian school in Queensland, Westside paved the way for future generations of Christian colleges.

To celebrate our 40th Anniversary in 2017, the College commissioned filmmaker and former student, Joel Tronoff to produce a feature documentary. Through a series of candid interviews, we looked back at our history, God’s faithfulness and provision, and to our future. The video premiered at the 40 Years Celebratory Dinner on Friday 26th May 2017, in front of 150 former students, staff, parents, and friends of the College.

Past Students

The Westside College community has many past students and families involved. Some now have their children at the College. Others have come back to teach here. If you are a past student, a family member of a past student, or a friend of the College, to update your details, or unsubscribe, please send us an email at psa@wcc.qld.edu.au.

Donations & Bequests


Westside Christian College is known as a vibrant, co-educational school in Ipswich, offering a distinctively caring and Christian education from Kindergarten to Year 12. Your generosity helps to make a difference in the lives of our students. Families and friends may make tax deductible donations at any time to the College Building Fund.


A bequest is an effective way of leaving a lasting legacy and making a significant difference in the lives of our young children and young people. Bequests help to fund facilities for our growing College as well as provide vital support to College initiatives.

For advice on how to give donations or bequests, please contact the Business Office at (07) 3437 9000.


We value your feedback. If there’s something we’ve done well, we’d love to hear about it and pass it along to relevant staff. To improve our services, we’d also love to know if there’s something you believe we can do better. Please follow the prompts below.

If you would like a response to your feedback, please leave your name and email address as prompted in the feedback box. While anonymous feedback can be sent via this method, we will need your contact details if you would appreciate a response.

Confidential or formal complaints can also be made in writing, addressed directly to the Principal. These can be mailed or left at the College Reception desk.


I so enjoy coming to school each day. There’s such a sense of belonging here. I love finding the gold in each student, and drawing that out.
Taryn Behr, Teacher
Westside—a wonderful education, school friends, and families—the best! So yes, bring your children to this school. It is so worth it!
Kathy Accutt, Parent
I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging and care—and the college is able to achieve those through longevity of staff. And that establishes a great culture.
Shane de Graaf, Parent
One staff member had a huge impact on me and shaped the person I am today. Now a teacher here, I still marvel at the care and time teachers invest in students.
Steven Johnson, Teacher & former student
I really valued having positive relationships and honest conversations with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, and that enabled me to work better.
Sienna Wilton, 2016 Graduate