College Fees & Charges

Annual Fees 2024

Westside Christian College offers outstanding Christian education with affordable fees.

2024 Annual Fees

Year Level 1st Child 2nd child 3rd Child 4th & subsequent Child
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12

Compulsory Building Fund Levy

Per Family $170.75 per term.

Enrolment Fees

Application Fee NIL
Student Enrolment Deposit: First child enrolled
$625.00, nil GST
Student Enrolment Deposit: Second child enrolled (regardless of year of entry)
$175.00, nil GST
Student Enrolment Deposit: Maximum payable per family
$800.00, nil GST

Once the student has completed one term of schooling, an amount of $250.00 will be credited against School Fees.

Additional Costs

  • Uniforms
  • Stationery (Secondary)
  • Year 6 camp to Canberra

Other Options

  • Bus Transport to and from school, if required. Please click the link for more information about Westside’s Bus Service
  • Out of School Hours Care. Please click the link for more information about Out of School Hours Care
  • Instrumental Music Tuition
  • Courses delivered by external providers and extra-curricular activities

Fee Rebates

Annual in advance:< 1.5% rebate on 2023 School Fees if paid in full by Friday 15-Dec-2023.

Term On-time Payment: $50 rebate each term if fees are paid in full by that term’s due date.

Payment Options

The preferred method of payment is Direct Debit, set up by the College. This is administered at no cost to families. See Payments or the Fees & Levies Policy for a full list of payment options. Alternatively, contact the Business Office (07) 3437 9000 or

School Fee Finance

Edstart can provide low-cost payment plans for families interested in reducing their fee payments by paying off College fees over a longer period.

Edstart is a private company that allows parents to pay their College Fees and Charges off over time – up to 5 years after their youngest child graduates, thereby reducing their individual regular payments.

To find out more about financing school fees through Edstart, go to

Please note that in providing information about Edstart, Westside Christian College is not providing a recommendation or endorsement. Westside Christian College is not involved in any agreement between you and Edstart and does not receive any financial benefit from Edstart. Please seek independent financial advice when dealing with any financial institution.


I so enjoy coming to school each day. There’s such a sense of belonging here. I love finding the gold in each student, and drawing that out.
Taryn Behr, Teacher
Westside—a wonderful education, school friends, and families—the best! So yes, bring your children to this school. It is so worth it!
Kathy Accutt, Parent
I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging and care—and the college is able to achieve those through longevity of staff. And that establishes a great culture.
Shane de Graaf, Parent
One staff member had a huge impact on me and shaped the person I am today. Now a teacher here, I still marvel at the care and time teachers invest in students.
Steven Johnson, Teacher & former student
I really valued having positive relationships and honest conversations with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, and that enabled me to work better.
Sienna Wilton, 2016 Graduate