Our Executive Team

Craig Schmidt – Principal


Mr Schmidt commenced teaching in 1991 and brings substantial executive educational leadership experience across State, Lutheran and Christian School sectors, with over two decades most recently spent in coeducational K-12 Christian schooling. Prior to taking up the position of Principal at Westside, he spent 10 years at St Peters Lutheran College Springfield. His roles included Deputy Principal, Head of Middle School, Junior High and Senior School and 3 years as Principal. His love of mathematics has proved invaluable in many aspects of educational leadership, such as problem solving, data collection and analysis and financial management. Passionate about life-long learning, his studies have encompassed educational leadership, theology and business management.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to serve and be a part of the Westside community. God has blessed us with a Board which has authentic concern for students, staff and families; a supportive and gracious parent community; Christian staff who are mission-focused and deeply committed; and students of joyous and generous character.

Whatever we do, we are called to work at it with all our heart, as serving the Lord. As such, I believe we have a mandate for excellence, to be and do our best in order that we might use the fullness of our gifts and abilities to be of service to others, for the common good and the glory of God.”

BHMS(Ed) - Bachelor of Human Movement Studies (Education) with a Mathematics Major.
MEd - Master of Education
MBA - Master of Business Administration with Distinction
MEdTheol – Master of Education and Theology

Joshua Mansfield – Head of Secondary


With over 15 years’ secondary teaching experience across a variety of subjects, as Head of Secondary Mr Mansfield has a burning desire to see the Westside Secondary students flourish. He believes a key to optimising learning is to meet students where they are at and unlock their curiosity for the way the world works and discover their passion for how they can make a difference in it. Mr Mansfield aims to build positive relationships with students to nurture their Christian formation and a life-long love of learning.

“I believe that teachers have a significant role in supporting, mentoring and inspiring our students. To that end, we have implemented a number of student well-being programs to support our teenagers during these sometimes challenging and formative years of their lives. Westside is a place where students are shown love and grace and encouraged in their faith.”

Kathryn Innes – Head of Primary

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Mrs Innes came to teach at Westside in 1999. Her roles have included Secondary Biblical Studies Coordinator, Years 1-3 Team Coordinator, Head of Junior Primary and now Head of Primary. She brings wide experience in teaching in the Early Years and Senior Primary, across State and Christian education. Mrs Innes has a keen interest in literacy, believing that early literacy is a key for doing well at school and plays a vital role in children’s development, learning, confidence, and socialisation skills.

“The quality education Westside offers goes far beyond the classroom walls, as we nurture life-long learners who walk ‘in Thy light’ and shine. I value excellence in teaching practice and encourage all students to grow in their unique, God-given abilities. We foster positive, meaningful relationships here. God is our heartbeat, and His presence is tangible. This is seen in the way we care, felt by the way we love and expressed through our Biblical values. Westside is one big family, where we embrace cultural diversity and encourage community.”

Matthew Teale – Human Resources & Compliance Manager


Prior to starting at Westside Mr Teale spent 10 years with Queensland Health, in a variety of roles including Business Manager for an RBWH adult education centre, Business Development Manager at the Centre for Mental Health Learning at Wacol, and in the Governance Office for Ipswich Hospital. He brings wide experience from working in governance, especially risk management and compliance activities, as well as managing business areas within a large corporate area.

“In my role as Human Resources & Compliance Manager, I bring contemporary ideas and a flexibility to try new things and help people to work at their natural best. I am excited about the culture at Westside. I love seeing our staff and students grow in their abilities and thrive in a culture that really wants good outcomes for everyone.”

Cawood Davies - Business Manager


Arriving from South Africa in 2006, Mr Davies began working for Northern Territory Christian Schools, firstly as a houseparent at Woolaning Homeland Christian College and then as CFO for Northern Territory Christian Schools for over 10 years. Mr Davies accepted the position of Business Manager at Westside Christian College in 2017 and is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA).

“Part of my role at Westside is to optimise planning and detailed budgeting for present and future growth. I am fortunate to be supported by an experienced team in the Business Office. ​​The staff at Westside have excellent standards, and a heart to serve their local community. The College is also fortunate that the Board, Principal and Executive leadership, have a very clear commitment to prayerfully serve in their roles.”


I so enjoy coming to school each day. There’s such a sense of belonging here. I love finding the gold in each student, and drawing that out.
Taryn Behr, Teacher
Westside—a wonderful education, school friends, and families—the best! So yes, bring your children to this school. It is so worth it!
Kathy Accutt, Parent
I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging and care—and the college is able to achieve those through longevity of staff. And that establishes a great culture.
Shane de Graaf, Parent
One staff member had a huge impact on me and shaped the person I am today. Now a teacher here, I still marvel at the care and time teachers invest in students.
Steven Johnson, Teacher & former student
I really valued having positive relationships and honest conversations with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, and that enabled me to work better.
Sienna Wilton, 2016 Graduate