Opportunities For Everyone

Celebration Night

Celebration Night is always a highlight for our Junior Primary students and their families. In Term 3 each year, we showcase our students’ singing, dancing, musical, and acting talents, in a very special performance evening. Bright lights, colourful costumes, multimedia presentations and hundreds of enthusiastic performers, make a joyful celebration not to be missed!

Primary Sport

Primary sport goals include fostering an appreciation for each student’s God-given gifts, and encouraging skills of cooperation, team-work and healthy competition. Staff nurture a love of sport, inspire excellence, and help each child to achieve their best.

Our swimming carnivals, cross country, and track and field events are well supported with cheering and encouragement from parents and grandparents!

There are a wide range of sporting opportunities both during and after school hours. Inter School Sport is offered through the Premier Sports Ipswich (PSI) competition run across Term 1-3 and Christian Schools Team Games competitions and Gala Sport days in Term 2. Students also have opportunities to trial for representative school sport pathways in a wide range of individual and team sports from district to national level.

Sporting Opportunities

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4

Term 1

  • Yr 3-6 Cross Country Carnival
  • P-6 Cross Country Training
  • Christian Schools Swimming
  • Premier Sports Ipswich – Touch Football & Futsal

Term 2

  • Yr 3-6 Track and Field Carnival
  • Christian School Cross Country
  • Christian Schools Team Games – Soccer & Netball
  • Premier Sports Ipswich – Basketball
  • Kindy–2 Mini Athletics Carnival
  • Soccer Development Program
  • Gala Sport – Soccer, 5 Aside, Netball

Term 3

  • Christian Schools Track and Field
  • Premier Sports Ipswich – Soccer and Netball
  • Prep–Yr 2 Mini Cross Country Carnival

Term 4

  • Christian School Team Games – Touch Football & Basketball
  • Yr 3-5 Swimming Carnival
  • Netball Development Program
  • Touch Football Development Program

Year 5 Moreton Island Camp

Year 5 students love our 3-day camping experience at the Moreton Island Wilderness Camp. They are encouraged to rise to the occasion—to plan, pack and prepare—and overcome any challenges they face. Activities include bushwalking, beach activities, campfires, exploring military sites, sand boarding, swimming, and more!

Year 5 Young Leaders Program

Westside’s Young Leaders Program is an amazing personal growth experience. In preparing our Year 5’s for Year 6, the focus is on qualities essential to leadership development, such as Christ-likeness, character, confidence and citizenship.

The four Young Leaders Program building blocks are:

  • Presentation Skills – speak out
  • Responsibility – be accountable
  • Organisation – plan ahead
  • Teamwork – work together

Year 6 Leadership Opportunities

All Year 6 students have many opportunities to mentor, lead, serve and care for others. Formal leadership roles include Primary School Captains and Vice-Captains, Student Representatives, Sport House Captains and Vice-Captains. Student Representatives are responsible for planning and managing fundraising events for various humanitarian causes and in developing initiatives that build up our primary school community.

Year 6 Canberra Tour

The highlight of Year 6 is our five-day, educational tour to Canberra! As part of their Civics & Citizenship unit students explore the democratic, historical, and cultural institutions located in our national capital. They also enjoy experiencing ‘Snow Day’ at Perisher Blue. We love seeing students return from the tour more excited and confident to try new experiences and embrace challenges!


I so enjoy coming to school each day. There’s such a sense of belonging here. I love finding the gold in each student, and drawing that out.
Taryn Behr, Teacher
Westside—a wonderful education, school friends, and families—the best! So yes, bring your children to this school. It is so worth it!
Kathy Accutt, Parent
I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging and care—and the college is able to achieve those through longevity of staff. And that establishes a great culture.
Shane de Graaf, Parent
One staff member had a huge impact on me and shaped the person I am today. Now a teacher here, I still marvel at the care and time teachers invest in students.
Steven Johnson, Teacher & former student
I really valued having positive relationships and honest conversations with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, and that enabled me to work better.
Sienna Wilton, 2016 Graduate