Building confidence and resilience

Westside’s outdoor education camps are designed to build a sense of personal achievement, self-esteem, confidence, and resilience skills. Students experience a variety of activities that are fun and interesting. We also foster positive relationship skills of cooperation, camaraderie, and empathy.

Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 Camps - CYC Burleigh

Students enjoy a wide range of age-appropriate activities including stand-up paddle boarding, swimming and body boarding, tubing, canoeing, hiking, trivia and movie nights, mountain biking, flying fox, and beach walks. By Year 9, students participate in a trekking camp. Activities include a hike and camp-out night, abseiling, archery, low ropes, initiative games, campfire, and night games.

Year 11 Leadership Camp

On this camp Year 11 students have time to relax and reflect in an outdoor setting. They hear inspiring speakers, enjoy exploring leadership and group-based activities, sport and cheer each other on in creative performances.


I so enjoy coming to school each day. There’s such a sense of belonging here. I love finding the gold in each student, and drawing that out.
Taryn Behr, Teacher
Westside—a wonderful education, school friends, and families—the best! So yes, bring your children to this school. It is so worth it!
Kathy Accutt, Parent
I love the values we have here—achievement, belonging and care—and the college is able to achieve those through longevity of staff. And that establishes a great culture.
Shane de Graaf, Parent
One staff member had a huge impact on me and shaped the person I am today. Now a teacher here, I still marvel at the care and time teachers invest in students.
Steven Johnson, Teacher & former student
I really valued having positive relationships and honest conversations with my teachers. I was able to take their advice without offence, and that enabled me to work better.
Sienna Wilton, 2016 Graduate